A sustainable digital agency

Digital products have a sustainability problem! Thats why we're committed to making Pixelhop a climate positive digital agency - meaning we aim to remove more CO2 than we produce.

See how we are helping

Our Action

What are we doing to help?

Climate positive workforce

Climate positive workforce

We have made our workforce climate positive by offsetting our carbon inside and outside of work with Ecologi.

Website carbon offsetting

Website carbon offsetting

Running websites takes energy producing carbon emissions! We automatically offset our site’s carbon emissions based on how much it’s used!

Using efficient technologies

Using efficient technologies

We use the latest tech that makes websites more performant and lightweight resulting in far less energy used to run them.


Our website's carbon footprint

We've estimated how much energy it takes to load a single page on our site, and then we multiply that by the amount of traffic our site receives each month. This allows us to figure out how much CO2 our site produces so we can automatically offset it using the Ecologi API.

CO2 produced per page visit


Total CO2 produced this month


Total CO2 offset since launch


Our company offsetting stats

How are we doing?

New trees planted

1294 trees

Tons of carbon reduction

236.66 tons

Climate positive for

35 months

Outside of work

It doesn't start and end at work!

Being sustainable at work is only half the problem, if we are going to get ourselves out of this mess we need to be sustainable at home too! Here’s some other steps you can take to reduce your carbon footprint.

  • Reduced consumption of animal products
  • Use a green electricity provider
  • Go plastic free
  • Consider buying second hand (like depop)
  • Prioritise green modes of transport
  • Use your vote