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Design Trends - Skeuomorphism

What is Skeuomorphism and how it's developed? This blog post is the first in a 4 part blog series in which I will cover design trends from the 80's Skeuomorphism to today's re-emerging Y2K designs. It's always interesting to see how and why some trends stay or don't. And perhaps why some trends drip on through all eras. We'll also look at some truly inspirational work which will hopefully inspire.

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Building an animated SVG logo with animejs

This is the second part of our tutorial series, where we create a real-time game using supabase and Vue. In this part, we will learn how to create a fancy cyberpunk-style animated logo using SVGs and anime.js. If you haven't already, check out the first post in the series, so you know what we are making!

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Build a real-time game with Supabase and Vue

In this tutorial series, we'll build a real-time game using Supabase and Vue with loads of cool little details and polish using a cyberpunk style design. For the first part of the tutorial, we will set up our project and implement some of the basic styles.

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Design Trends - Interactive Design

In our first blog post of this 4 part series we covered one of the original ‘isms’ with Skeuomorphism, and now we’re moving into more modern trends with a look at Interactive design. What is Interactive Design and how can it work for you?

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